Thursday, March 02, 2006

I give in

I give in... all my sister-in-laws are using these things to keep in touch so I thought I would jump on the band wagon!

I don't know how exciting this will be my life can repeat itself - what am I saying I have a 2 year old the only thing that is the same everyday is the DVDs we watch - I can repeat many sayings off Toy Story, Nemo and Robots.

Today I had my 33 week check up - the baby is doing good strong heartbeat! She is living in my ribs now - just the right side so I can push her out of the way most of time. The funny part about todays check-up is the Dr said I would not go past 38/39 week - he list the dates to be induced if she does not come on her own (our son came at 36.6) The dates were the 11, 12, and 13 of April - what is funny about that - My older brother and newphew (my younger brothers 1st born) were both born on the 12th! If I have this baby on the 12th then each family will have a birthday that day!!

OK I that is all for now.

1 comment:

Mouse said...

Glad to see you gave in -- it's a great thing.

Just wait til you start changing things around...