Wednesday, May 11, 2011

a little disappointed??

So today it has been 2 weeks since I measured and I was a little disappointed that I had not lost anything in my hips and chest but I did lose 1/2 inch in the thigh, arm and belly. My trainer Carole and Erik both said that was really good so I guess I should be happy but I only lost 3.5 lbs in 2 weeks - once again that is not bad and is a good weight loss especially after a really bad eating weekend.
Things I have learned -
1 - Alcohol is not my friend any more. (was it ever??) but it really does play a big part in my weight.
2 - I have learned to like exercise and push myself more then I have before (like not lowering weights when I am tired)
3 - I don't want to eat bad so I ruin all my hard work

I think I am ready to start the big group class. I will try one next week and see how it goes!

1 comment:

mariposa77 said...

One thing to remember. When you convert fat to muscle you won't see a weight change. Don't focus on the numbers right now. Focus on what makes you feel happy. :-) You'll see the benefits soon enough!