Monday, May 02, 2011

still going strong

I am still going strong after 3 weeks of Art of Strength. I am getting stronger and able to do more and it is actually exciting ! When I first started I could not put my feet in the ropes and do knee bends - in a push up position but with your feet in rope rings and then pull your knees in, today I was able to do 3 set - 12, 9, 11. I was so excited and my trainer was excited that I am getting stronger which helps with motivation!
I did box jumps - and even fell but I got right back up and continued while laughing. I am very lucky that the gym is pretty empty when I am there.
I never thought I would look forward to working out and going to the gym! I am very happy that I found this program and that it was affordable! I am even ok with the fact that I am not getting results yesterday! I am feeling better and excited to see what changes are going to happen over the next few months.

I am so excited about Bin Laden! Last night I went through a bunch emotions. It better not affect Erik coming home on Thursday! Thank goodness Qatar is a pretty neutral and safe place. I will be able to breath once he is out of the middle east and back on US soil!

1 comment:

mariposa77 said...

YAY! So proud of you! That is awesome you are starting to get addicted. That's what I love about working out - when it's good. Your body just wants more!
Agreed with the mixed emotions.