Thursday, August 18, 2011


Today at the gym my trainer Carole told me that some guy stopped her the other day in the parking lot to tell her he noticed how much I have changed since I have been working out and he was impressed. Then today as I was leaving a lady stopped me to say pretty much the same thing! So my day was made by two strangers. It really means a lot to see that people notice the hard work I am doing! So it makes me sad to think once I find a job I have to stop this program. I just can't see bringing the kids to the play room at the gym after being in aftercare. I decided that I would start writing down my workout each day and that way I should have a good list once I find a job so I can continue at home. I would only need to get a few kettle bells to continue since we have the TRX system I can use that for the banded loops and I have a ball the only other thing I don't have is the plyo box but I can get a step for that. It makes me happy that I have figured out a way to continue something that I love - ok I only love it after the workout is complete! during it I wish I could go back to my nonworkout workouts! Yeah ME!

1 comment:

megan said...

Keep it up. Maybe you can figure out a way to make it work...