Sunday, January 25, 2009

Please wear your Seat Belt

To me this seems like an easy thing to do. I have been putting on my seat belt as long as I can remember, my parents made us. So now I do not even think about, but if the person riding with me does not my Jeep beeps until they do. So I do not forget to put my seat belt on I forget that I did put it on.
We have had a lot of wrecks this year were people have died, of all ages but as young as 10 that I know of, because they did not have their seat belts on and were thrown from the car. Thursday one of Jaxon's classmates lost his mother because she was in a wreck and was thrown out of the car. I did not know her but I have thought about her a lot over the weekend and I have cried for her son(5) and daughter (2nd grade). It got me thinking that Jaxon and KK would not remember me. Sure they would know they had a mother and would see all the fun things we did in pictures but they would not really remember me - my hugs and kisses, the sound of my voice. This makes me really sad.
So I am begging you all to please put on your seat belt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Luckily I think we all do. It always cuts close to home when a tradgedy like that happens. They are in our prayers.