Tuesday, January 13, 2009


KK has been back to her new school (same one from last year) for 1 week and I have already been called to sub. It was neat seeing how all the kids had grown in just 6 months! I am so happy to have her back at BPECC. Makes me wonder why we ever left!
Erik is doing good. We still see him at night on the computer but the kids only last about 10 minutes then they want to play with something else. But that is alright, sign in right after dinner and since he is 4 hours ahead he is ready for bed then anyway. Just wanted to update since a few of you are checking in on my while Erik is away. We are doing good. The kids are not listening but I think that has to do with being stuck inside at school and home (cold weather sucks)
I am really sleepy!
Hope everyone is doing great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is great she transitioned back so well - it was like a mini-vacation. :-) I think the kids will argue whether it's cold or hot outside... it's just in them!