Monday, January 04, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

OK so I was yelled at about not keeping up with the blog! So here we go I will try to be better at updating my life and not just on facebook!
So since the last entry Jaxon started Kindergarten and we love his teacher. Katie has a great teacher in preschool and she loves school.
We went on a cruise for Thanksgiving - the kids had a blast and can not wait to go on another one!
Erik and I are doing great. Waiting to see where his job will take us this year. As of now just to the gulf but that is subjected to change!
This year I am starting with a lot of ambition. Now I just hope I can keep up with it!
Today I went back to eating healthy, with Erik working off shore, me and the kids ate a lot of convenience foods which was really bad for my weight so now starts the task of removing it! I plan to eat healthy and work out!
I have also decided to start painting my house. This is going to stress me out till I decide on colors which is why I have not done it before! I plan on going this week to pick out colors at least to pick up ideas!
I am going to work on Katie's scrapbooks. I need to do her first 2 years in the books I have then I am going to do the rest on the computer. I really like how Blurb books turn out. I also need to work on my Mom's book for Mother's day!!
I think the last thing I have planned is to purge out the unwanted stuff in my house. We have so much stuff we do not use or need and I just need to get rid of it! Sad for me my neighborhood is no good for garage sales (too far out of the way - which is great because we have no traffic but it is bad for garage sales for that reason!)

2009 was a good year for us. A year of travel! Now lets see how long I can keep up with my task for 2010!

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