Wednesday, December 01, 2010

new program

So WW changed their program on Monday so I went back to the meetings to make sure I am getting all the new information plus there is something about standing on a scale in front of someone that kinda helps you stay on track - well I started yesterday and had a good day. We had a great dinner of FLank steak and Roasted artichokes which my kids asked for seconds. Today was turkey with roasted squash which they did not ask for more veggies, oh well I tried. As I am figuring out my points using the new method - fat, protein, carbs, and fiber, I am finding I am not eating enough! With the fruit being 0 points I am able to stay full with out spending my points, well you have to use all your points each day so I ended yesterday with a fun size candy bar and tonight with another one but also a vodka and cran apple cocktail - you think that is what they had in mind??

Erik comes home tomorrow! I am so excited.


mariposa77 said...

So how is it going? I didn't notice you snacking as much at the party as I was!

MeMe said...

why to busy to snack so that was great!