Friday, January 14, 2011

what's up with today?

Today is an off day. I have no desire to do anything!! I did get on the elliptical machine for 30 minutes this morning and stayed above 4.2 almost the whole time, but now I am done. I need to be doing things - cleaning out my pantry is on the list today.
I started a new work-out program, I told Erik I would give it 3 weeks, if I do not see a change then I will stop since I do not really enjoy it. I do not hate it but it is not may favorite thing to do - what is that - running. Maybe I need better shoes also, my shoes are not running shoes. If I keep up with it for 3 weeks then I will go get new shoes. Tomorrow will be the true test since it is Saturday - will I actually get up and do day three?

1 comment:

mariposa77 said...

I had a totally - shitty- week. I don't know if it's b/c Bobbles starts school next week - but agreed. Off week. You have to stick to something for 21 days. But I think it was overall a terrible week for anything. Is that what week 2 is all about? I blame it on the change in horoscopes. :-)