Sunday, February 17, 2008

He is in!

Jaxon recieved his letter today admitting him to St. Thesera's for Pre-K next year! One less thing to worry about now. I have to have the packet in next friday, because 17 page application was not enough information there is also a regisition packet to fill out.

I have 3 assignments for the freelance photography job I took with the newsletter from Erik's work. I am really excited because I will get paid by the hour for events I would be at anyway- Like the Easter Egg Hunt!! The editor made it sound like I will be getting a bunch of assignments. The editor lives in Metairie, so by hiring me she avoids the drive.

KK is doing great. She is still very busy loves her books, babies, and puzzles!

I also started working out my arms since I can not do anything on my foot. So we will see how long I can keep this up!


Anonymous said...

Glad to know all is going well. That is great news about Jaxon and yoru freelance stuff! How fun! Whoo hoo one less stress!

mamaof3girls said...

Congrats! We should know where Bear got in the first week of March. Why they have to take so long I have no idea! Of course, it is only like 3 weeks we will have had to wait so I guess that is not too bad!